Unique Student Identifier (USI) initiative

Unique Student Identifier

As from January 1, 2015, if you enroll in nationally recognised accredited training you must have a Unique Student Identifier (USI) number. Your USI number stays with you for life.

Your USI will:

  • give you the ability to access a complete record of your Vocational Education and Training (VET) enrolments and achievements from a single online source
  • ensure your VET records are not lost
  • make it easier for registered training organisations (RTOs) to assess pre-requisites, credit transfers and Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL).

The RTO is not permitted to issue a Statement of Attainment or Qualification unless they have your USI number.

You can apply for your USI or give permission to the RTO to apply on your behalf. The USI is available online and at no cost to you.

If you want to create your USI go to: www.usi.gov.au